Funders highlighted in bold are those where we have data from both 2018/19 and 2021/22.
A B Charitable Trust; abrdn Financial Fairness Trust; Access to Justice Foundation; Alan & Babette Sainsbury Charitable Fund; Balcombe Charitable Trust; Baring Foundation; Barrow Cadbury Trust; BBC Children in Need; Bell Foundation; Blagrave Trust; Bromley Trust; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; City Bridge Trust; Comic Relief UK; David & Elaine Potter Foundation; Esmée Fairbairn Foundation; European Climate Foundation; Evan Cornish Foundation; Friends Provident Foundation; Generation Foundation; Gower Street; Guy’s & St.Thomas’ Foundation; Indigo Trust; Joffe Trust; John Ellerman Foundation; Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust; Joseph Rowntree Foundation; Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust; KR Foundation; Lankelly Chase Foundation; Legal Education Foundation; LGBT Consortium; Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales; Luminate; Lush; National Lottery Community Fund; Nationwide Foundation; Network for Social Change; Nuffield Foundation; Oak Foundation; Open Society Foundations; Paul Hamlyn Foundation; Pears Family Charitable Foundation; Persula Foundation; Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation; PRISM The Gift Fund; Rayne Foundation; Roddick Foundation; Rosa Fund; Sam & Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation; Samworth Foundation; Smallwood Trust; Solberga Foundation; Sigrid Rausing Trust; Thirty Percy Foundation; Tinsley Charitable Trust; Trust for London; Tudor Trust; Unbound Philanthropy; Underwood Trust
Activi(sm/st); Advocacy; Advocate; Asylum; BAME; Brexit; Campaign(er); Corruption; Criminal; Democra(cy/tic); Digital; Disability; Disabled; Electoral; Empower; Eviction; Femini(sm/st); Gender; Gig; Government; Gypsy; Homeless; Human rights; Inequality; Justice; Lesbian; LGBT; Libert(y/ies); Migra(nts/tion); Narrative; Peace; Penal; Policy; Pollution; Power; Prison; Protest; Racial; Refugee; Rights; Roma; Sex workers; Slavery; Social change; Tax; Tenant; Terrorism; Torture; Traffick(ing/ed); Voter; Welfare; Workers
As with the other categories used for the research we welcome feedback on these.